Sunday, June 17, 2007

Country where Designers are Rockstars!

I'm a frequenter to Coroflot - The online design portfolio management site where designers can post and view great work. If you are creative contributor I strongly recommend coroflot.

Designers - rockstar survey - Coroflot took the average salaries of the top 14 countries in the recent survey and ran them through The Economist's Big Mac Index. "Rock-osity - is the Units in which a designer value is measured( In some countries designers are simply hotter commodities - and as is the case with rockstars, demand turns into dollar$$$. And this is why they measure the degree of this demand in units of "rock-osity")

Here's the resuts (courtesy A bar graph or rather the rock graph which indicates the value for designer in each country...

Hongkong I guess is the place to be followed by India.

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