So we wanted to think of a place where one can best use Alexa - there are so many skills availabe in alexa over 50000 I guess, but this skill which we wanted to develop should be simple solution to a day-today problem unique also. In the growing urban population across the globe and nuclear families which has become common thing even in traditional countries like India. How do we leave instructions to people who offer their service in our absence say a cook who takes keys from us and cooks in our absence, kids who arrive before us, parents who needs to be reminded on something. Here is where our idea of HousieAssist a home assistant was born.
Leave voice instructions for different people in your house and they can ask Alexa HousieAssist to read the message for them.
For example: Lets say you want to leave voice instruction for your kid who arrives home ahead of you.
Leave Message:
You: "Alexa, ask HousieAssist to record message for Tejas"
Alexa: "What is the message?"
You: "Tejas, please don't miss your drums class today. Come back and start preparing for your geography test"
Alexa: "Message recorded. Would you want to continue"
You: No
Alexa: " Ok Bye"
Read Message:
Tejas: "Alexa, ask HousieAssist is there are any message for me" (Or they can state their name)
Alexa: "what is your name?"
Tejas: "Tejas"
Alexa: "Tejas, please don't miss your drums class today. Come back and start preparing for your geography test"
Alexa: "Would you want me to repeat message or delete message"
Tejas: Repeat
Alexa - would now repeat and ask if it should repeat or delete message again and delete when you have heard and uttered delete.
The skill is here for download:
Here's a little demo of the skill:
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