Thursday, May 31, 2007

Icons... the first most usable icon design

Icons... the first most usable icon design - Susan Kare.

This afternoon I was surfing to web focusing mostly on icon design. There poped-up Susan Kare's website.... like usual i saw the portfolio (i believe in "see it to believe it") but to my surprise i ended up seeing some single bitmap icons.... like the ones you see in MS paint. i was laughing at the portfolio thinking to myself... what the heck somebody as actually dared to put stuff as primitive as this and claims that to be there portfolio... but to my surprise when i read the description at the base... it read like this "created for Apple corporation in the year 1983. I was like 'gimme a break!'. I got so hooked on i saw the entire portfolio and moved on to read about Susan Kare.

Here's a portion from her bio data: "Susan Kare received a B.A., summa cum laude, from Mount Holyoke College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in fine arts from New York University. In 1989, she was a founding partner of Susan Kare LLP. She is a 2001 recipient of the Chrysler Design Award. read more at:

If i'm asked to do a design (not just me all designers for that matter) the first thing I will tend to do is look for reference :(. I'm kinda trying to put myself in kare's shoes 24 years back creating something out of nothing... unimmaginable. I've become a great admirer of Susan Kare. Awesome. I felt i have learnt something worthwhile... while sometimes you tend to get carried away with all peer pressure.... meaning whats your friend's designation in another company, how much does he get paid, we kind of fail to get in terms with the fact that all of that is just a superficial hype. I believe in good design, simple and explicit... similar to the ideologies of susan ;). Suddenly I felt a sense of confidence I can do far far better than what I'm doing. There is more to explore in your work womething waht they call the 'job satisfaction' giving your self a a pat in the back after a great job is done.

Got her mail ID from the site... I think I'm going to mail her and tell how nice i felt knowing about her.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007



I’m Mathuram. Call me Mathu. I work as Creative Manager with Synaptris Decisions ( a CSS group company). I’m into a lot of things related to design as part of my role, apart from managing the design team- I’m into web design, package design, UI, branding, logo designs, collateral, etc. The best part of my work is when I’m assigned to design stuff that stands a part in terms creativity and usability.

Career track -

click on the image to view the enlarged version

Well the thought of starting this blog had been there for a long time now… Finally here it is. Right from the day I started to work as a fresher, there have been lots of people like my peers, seniors, friends from the design world, my bosses who have definitely contributed to what I am today. A spark that ignited me and which is propelling me even today started back in college when I won a Best package design award until then I was not so serious about my professional. More about this later.

Well apart from work, I have a great family a husband who is also a creative guy (picked him up along with my degree in college J. And an year old son who is fun being around with. Love to visit a lot of places, explore more in enhancing user experience, put up my own design consultancy etc, etc.

Guess thatz enuf about me… watch for more in my blog in upcoming days...
